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Broken Cycles

Broken Cycles - Book cover

In Broken Cycles, a new collection of poetry and photography, thirty-three poems are dynamically paired with forty-four black and white photographs that reveal the gritty reality of the world along with our ability as humans to rise above it.

Broken Cycles - Book coverBroken Cycles deals with themes of brokenness, man’s depravity, hope, and redemption in a three-part journey. The photographs relate with the written texts in a manner that serves to enhance the reader’s experience of both. Each poem provokes and is provoked by the photographic image. This unique book is a true collaboration between poet and photographer.

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A book of eerie beauty, a real gem. These are not poems and photographs but resurrections, words and images together bringing the dead back to life. …Stems / of watercress / sprouting / from the rabbit s / ears captures precisely the feel of these flowing alternations of poem and picture. You emerge from these pages with a new sense for the relation of memory and perception.

- Krishnan Venkatesh – Tutor & Graduate Institute Director at St. John's College, Santa Fe, NM